Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic HND Admission Form 2024/2025

Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic HND Admission Form 2024/2025: Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic (ATAPOLY) 2023/2024 Online Application for HND Admission is released.

In this Page, You’ll find a breakdown on how to apply to the Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic (ATAPOLY) HND Admission Form below.  We’ve Brought instructions about ATAPOLY online application process AND the hardcopy application.

Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for admission into its Higher National Diploma full/part-time programmes for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic HND Admission Form / Courses.

Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic Application forms are on sale, Obtain your Scratch Cards from
the designated banks in Bauchi Viz
STEP 1: Obtain and Scratch to get your Pin
Scratch the Covered area to unveil your 12 digits pin number. Log on to Abubakar Tatari
Polytechnic Bauchi Website @ WWW.atapoly-bauchi.edu.ng and Click ‘APPLY’ on the website
menu to access the Online Application Portal.
STEP 2: Create Account
Before an applicant is allowed to fill in the forms, he/she must have an account. Locate and
Click the ‘Create Account ‘ hotspot(link) . Select your School of interest, and all the required
information including your 12-Digits Pin No and 8-Digit Serial No that appears at the back of
your scratch card. On successful completion, you will see a congratulatory message with your
user name and password. Note that this stage is irreversible.
STEP 3: User Login
Now that you have successfully created an account and have obtain Username/password, Login
using the Username and password.
STEP 4: Personal profile
On successful login, the Personal page will be displayed; you are expected to fill in all the fields
and Click Save. In case you wish to exit, locate the Logout Link on the Personal Page Menu.
STEP 5: Education Details
Locate the education link on the Menu and click to fill in Schools Attended with Dates and
Examination Taken with dates.
Schools Attended with Dates:
Enter the name of school, Select and Year Year From from the Drop Downlist. Then Click the
‘add button’. To view the list Content click on the’ refreshlink’. To delete an entry in case of
error, click the’ delete’ link on the Action column of the table.
Examination Taken with dates
Select Examination type, Subject, etc from the drop downlist Year From, then Click the ‘add
button’. To view the list Content click on the’ refreshlink’. To delete an entry in case of error,
click the’ delete’ link on the Action column of the table.
STEP 6: Employment Details
This stage is strictly for prospective HND applicants. Fill in the Employment Details and ‘A’ level
Examination taken with dates. On entry employment details ensure you click the ‘add button’.
Note that this step can be skipped if you are not prospective HND applicant.
To skip locate the File Upload Link
STEP7: Image File Upload
The applicant is expected to upload his/her picture.
Click the Browse button to locate the passport picture saved in .jpg format. Once you locate
the image file then click submit. If your file has been uploaded successfully, you will see a
message on the file upload page that your ‘file has been Uploaded Successfully’
STEP 8: Attestation
Read the Instruction on the attestation table. Click finish Application to confirm your application
is completed. Once you click on finish application, an Acknowledgment slip will be displayed.
You are expected to print your acknowledgment slip and the two paged online application
forms. This implies you have completed your application.
For comments or inquiries send a mail to [email protected], Or Computer Center
1. For all Diploma Programmes with the exception of DPAA and DTA candidate
must obtain a credit in Five (5) relevant subjects in SSCE/GCE or their equivalent,
two (2) of which must be in English and Mathematics, or as contained in the
General entry requirement of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board
(JAMB), UTME Brochure. National Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology
(SLT), Statistics requires a credit in Math and Chemistry, Diploma in Tourism
requires a credit in English and Geography. A credit in Physics is compulsory for
all the National Diploma in Engineering and Computer Science Programme.
2. For the Diploma Public accounts and Audit(DPAA) and Diploma in Tax
Administration (DTA) Programmes candidates must obtain at least three (3)
credits in the relevant subjects and credit in English and a Pass in Mathematics or
visa verse in SSCE/GCE or equivalent.
3. For Certificate in Public Accounts and Audit(CPAA), Certificate In Public
Administration(CPA), Cert in SLT, Certificate In Banking and Finance(CIBF),
Certificate in Marketing, Certificate in Management, Pre-ND and Pre-NCE,
candidates must obtain a minimum of four (4) passes in the relevant subjects
including English And Mathematics. The Pre-ND Science and Technology, PreNCE Programmes are for candidates who offered science and Technology
subjects only.
4. For Diploma in Office Technology Management (OTM), candidate must have
English and Mathematics at credit level and in addition of any three subject from
the following: Economics/Commerce, Business Methods/Business Studies,
Principles of Accounting/Book Keeping, Literature in English, Geography, Office
Practice, Government, Biology/Agricultural Science, Chemistry, Physics,
History/Government, Typewriting and Shorthand.
5. For Diploma in Information and Library Science (LS), candidate must have English
and Mathematics at credit level and in addition of any three subject from the
following: Economics/Commerce, Literature in English, Geography, Government,
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History/Government, Basic Electricity and
6. For candidate offering the IJMB Programme must obtain Four (4) relevant Credits
in SSCE/GCE or its equivalent.
7. For Advance Technical Certificate, candidates must obtain WAEC/Tech. NTC or
C&G of London (Intermediate) plus 2 years cognate experience.
8. For Intermediate Technical Certificate, candidates must have attempted
C&G/NTC, SSCE/GCE/TC II or Roadside Mechanic with evidence of apprenticeship
from the master, and the ability to read and write in English Language.
9. Remedial Programme: GCE/SSCE attempted.
10. Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE).
i. Candidate must possess three (3) Credit and two (2) Passes at one sitting or
four (4) Credit at two (2) sitting in SSCE, GCE, WAEC, NABTEB or TC II
Certificate must include any three (3) of the following:- Math/Arithmetic,
Physics, Chemistry, General Science, English, Wood Work, Metal Work,
Applied Electronics, Technical Drawing, Social Studies etc.
Pre-NCE and Pre-ND Arts and Science, candidates offering these programmes are
expected to sit for JAMB UTME examinations apart from Internal Examination for

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  1. Auwal haruna usman says:

    Can I get admission

  2. Please when is the closing date

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