You go regularly to church, carry out activities in the church, and also go to bars, attend social parties and nightclubs as you wish.
You have your Bible and also your Pornographic Magazines, each of them placed in its place. The Bible visible at the Bedside and the Pornographic magazines and videos at the bottom of the cupboard known only to you.
You have in your Laptop series of Gospel Songs and another of profane or secular music(songs) and films. Of course, you take care not to mix the two categories of songs that you listen to and watch in an alternate (alternative) manner.
You have two types of clothes; the “decent type”(decent dresses), used for worships, church meetings and the so- called “stylishly or Chic type”. That is Sexy and Fashionable dresses, used for few days, with friends.
You play the most current artist from Monday to Saturday and on Sunday, you animate praises to the glory of God the Father of the Holy Spirit.
One of your favourite biblical verses after “God is Love” is “Do not judge”. “God is love” and “do not judge” means: let me live my life as I want. When you go to Rome, you do like the Romans & when you go to church, you do like a saint. You live your life according to where you find yourselfself.
You have no Power over Sin. To you, repentance is every time you pray. You say “oh God forgive my(our) sins”, but you continue in practising Theft (stealing), cheating, lies telling, unforgiving, masturbation, duplicity, fighting, homosexuality, lesbianism, gambling, pool betting, ego bloating, fornication, adultery, drunkenness, prostitution, gambling and so on, with the biblical verse that “no one is just, not even one…”, supported by “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
Let me share you this;
I justify my actions with “if God will count iniquities, who will stand? And also “God understand my weakness”. I look for solution to my problems anywhere anyhow once my problems will go even when my mind tells me not to go there because God is not there! I believe the Bible says heaven help those who help themselves! In fact, when I am a Christian without Christ,
“I am not a believer!”
Let us review and amend our Christianity! The time is short!
Jesus is coming soon!!!
N.B: Jesus is the way to our salvation. God loves you.