Google Assistant works on phones running android 6 and above.
Google Assistant works just like Siri for Apple, Alexa for Amazon and Cortana for Microsoft.
There are a lot of things can do, and we’ll be discussing some of them below.
• Google Assistant can help you identify the music playing in the background. This means you don’t need the app, ‘Shazam’ again. Just say ‘ok Google, tell me about the music playing in the background’. And it’ll fish out the song for you. Now here is the most interesting part, Even if the song is not playing, you can just hum the song and it’ll identify it.
• Google Assistant can help you remember anything. This is how it works. Let’s say you put your ATM card inside your wallet, and don’t want to forget it. You can just say, “okay Google, remember I kept my ATM in my wallet” .
You’ll get the reply, ‘Ok I’ll remember that’. And should incase you forget where you kept your wallet, you can ask Google, and it’ll remind you where you kept your wallet.
• Google Assistant can also act as a reminder. Let’s say you have an online class or business schedule by 12PM and you don’t want to forget. You just say “okay Google, remind me I will be having a class by 12pm today”, and she’ll set a reminder for that. And once it’s 12pm, it’ll remind you .
For advanced options. Google assistant also can send post, messages on your Social Media accounts on your command.
Incase you’re tired and lonely, Google assistant can be a great companion, it can play songs, suggest games and even chat with you.
If you’ve not configured Google Assistant in your phone, head over to settings search for it and configure with your voice.